Week One: Ireland (9/24/14 – 10/2/14)

I wrote this a few days ago- but failed to post it sooner 😉 Enjoy these random shots during our stay and an update below.


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I cannot begin to put into words all that has blessed my soul in this beautiful land. Ireland ( “Arland” as the locals say) has truly made an impression on Taylor and I.

I am awed by the vastness…the history….the rolling green hills, quaint cottages, winding roads, seaside cliffs and much more- but most of all, it is the people that have grabbed at my heart. From the moment we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by our lovely hosts Kenny & Ann Morrison. I have learned that the Irish tend to live the majority of life at a different pace. They scarce make appointments back to back in a day- for they would rather leave an entire morning or afternoon wide open for visiting over tea and biscuits. They are not in a hurry- and like being “in the moment”.

Saturday morning Taylor and I got to experience an “Irish Fry” prepared by Ann (an epic breakfast consisting of a pile of thick bacon, fried eggs, tomatoes, fruit toast, sausage, tea, french press, & potato cakes) We had the honor of sharing this meal with beautiful new friends- Declan, Keziah, & Holly. Eating away and sharing Jesus stories ‘round the table- we ended with praying and prophesying over each other. It was such a powerful time, and it made me so grateful for the way the Lord brings people together in His kingdom.

The next morning we were getting ready to join our new friends at their church in Dublin (Trinity Church @ the Exchange) Declan spontaneously asked Taylor and I to share for 45 minutes at the youth group service. The group of about 30ish teenagers. They have such genuine hunger for the Lord. Taylor and I shared our testimonies and then talked a bit about Identity in the Father. We ended it with praying and prophesying some over the kids-

A little lady 13 years of age named “Teagan” quietly came up to me afterwards and asked for prayer over her hips and legs which had been turned inward since birth (she had never been able to walk straight without great pain) I laid my hands on her feet and asked for her body to align with the Kingdom of Heaven. Her legs began to shake- and then she started walking around to see if anything was different. She turned around to me with tears in her eyes and said she hadn’t been able to bend her feet that way ever before without pain. She took off her shoes and walked around the room perfectly straight. She embraced me and cried. We felt so much of the Lord’s presence all around. He healed her. He is cool like that. 😉

We feel so extremely blessed by the friends we have made since being here- and the little adventures we’ve had. Exploring Glendalough. Tandem biking between Leixlip and Maynooth. Road-tripping to Galway (The sweet Doran family gave us their car for a day- and Taylor drove on the LEFT side of the road-in a standard mind you—what a champ!) There is much, much more I could say- but I am trying to spare this being too long a post.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed the little update! Be blessed

One thought on “Week One: Ireland (9/24/14 – 10/2/14)

  1. Thank you Michaella for being our son’s perfect completion. It is so exciting watching what God is doing with you two beautiful saints, now that you’re one. Absolutely amazing. It brings joy to my heart and tears to my eyes. I love you both.



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